

Vista Styled Text

Text Effects

In this tutorial I am going to be showing you how to create a vista styled text effect.

Step 1

To start with, create a new document about 600 pixels by 420 pixels. Fill the background with a radial using the colour #23849e and #03675b.

Step 2

On a new layer apply a radial gradient from #023d3f to transparent in the bottom left corner.

Step 3

Select the text tool and add type the name of your site. The font I’ve chosen for this tutorial is Adobe Caslon Pro with a colour of #023d3f.

Step 4

Now we are going to be applying a few layer styles to our text to make it clear and glossy looking.


Step 5

Next up is the shine effect. Create a new layer and select the area of the text (Ctrl + Click icon in the layers window).

Step 6

Using the elliptical marquee tool deselect the bottom half (hold down the Alt key to deselect from a selection).

Step 7

Select the gradient tool and set it to linear, and fill the selection with a gradient from white to transparent. Set the blend mode to Overlay and the opacity to 75%.

Step 8

As a finishing touch, I’ve added a couple of words in the same font but this time italics.

Alternative background

Instead of using the dark green colour for the bottom left, a bright yellow can also work in with the vista theme. The hex code is #d7fa7b for the yellow.

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Comments (12)

  1. Sam says:

    Shit that effect is sexy.. glassy effect, been looking for this for ages thanks

  2. Pa kou says:

    Great tutorial! [=

  3. Zieux says:

    Good job!
    Looking forward more!

  4. JALPARI says:

    Really cool logo style.

    thanks keep up the good work.

  5. eternia says:

    Thanks for the nice tutorial. It’s just look like Vista text. ^_^

  6. Sirpe says:


  7. SME+CME says:

    Man, this is great!! I really APPRECIATE it.


  8. Pahvi67 says:

    I try to do this but my Photoshop is weird.. I take the text tool and type something, at 72 pt, but I cant see it.. I zoom in 3200% and a I see 2 blue pixels.. I change the size to 200 and can hardly see the text.. weird..

    • James says:

      I remember having a similar problem previously, and my DPI value was too low (can’t remember what I did to cause this). To fix it, go Image > Image Size and set the resolution to 72 pixels/inch because this is the default for web design.

  9. TheBomber69 says:

    Thank you for this.It’s just awesome!Cool looking,you don’t need to download anything(excepting Photoshop) and it’s very easy to made!


  10. Dzinepress says:

    really nice effect you posting for us. thanks

  11. Nice way to way learn few techniques. Effect is cool and soft.

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